Fall activities for most of us include: decorating, hayrides, haunted houses, pumpkin picking, and apple picking. I usually do all of these activities except last …

Studs, Spikes, and the Spice of Life
Fall activities for most of us include: decorating, hayrides, haunted houses, pumpkin picking, and apple picking. I usually do all of these activities except last …
Every season needs a soundtrack and today for Blog-O-Ween Day 3, I am sharing my Haunted Halloween Playlist! Even if we might not be able …
Let the Master of Fright haunt your bathroom all year! Today, for Blog-O-Ween Day 2, I am sharing my Nightmare Before Christmas bathroom. I hope …
Welcome to Blog-O-Ween 2020! This is the second year of Blog-O-Ween and I am super excited to continue this tradition I created last year. I …
Every hot summer day needs a fun and refreshing drink. I have been spending a lot of my summer days by the pool and I …
Happy Fourth of July!! I cannot believe it is July, let alone The Fourth of July! This is always a fun holiday, however I feel …
Every summer needs a road trip! Road trips are fun, memorable, and a great way to see and explore new places. During the summer, I …
Pumpkin picking in June?! Not exactly, but I thought I would create another Summerween post and combine two of my favorite things, Halloween and Summer. …
Welcome to June! Since summer and Halloween are two of my things, I thought I would combine them and share a Summerween post today. I …
At the end of October/beginning of November 2019, my family surprised me with a trip to San Antonio Texas for my birthday! Our trip took …