Bold printed leggings are everywhere! You can purchase them at pretty much any store such as, Macy’s, H&M, Forever 21, and even from a Lularoe consultant. Bold patterned leggings are fun to wear but they can be troublesome if you do not know how to style them. Some people might buy bold leggings but then not wear them because they do not know how to style these leggings. Others might buy bold leggings and then wear them with a conflicting bold top and then the whole look is crazy. Fear not though because I have some advice on how I style bold leggings and I hope this brings you some inspiration to purchase and wear a pair!
The pair of bold leggings I will be talking about today are one of my favorite pairs that I own. These leggings are from Forever 21 and they are galaxy print leggings. I love galaxy print clothing, so when I saw these leggings a few years ago I had to have them. These bold leggings are definitely the focal point of the outfit so we need to keep it that way. To keep your leggings the center of attention, style some neutral colors around them. For this look I stuck with black, which is always a good choice.
I wore this simple, yet comfortable black dress from Mossimo Supply. This dress is perfect to wear with bold leggings. It does not distract from the leggings and it shows them off perfectly. This is also a great casual dress. It is not fancy, it is comfortable, and can be worn to work or for a causal day running errands. I wore a pair of black flats as well to match my dress, and again they do not distract from the leggings.
I added a little bit of color in my necklace and sunglasses. I wore purple sunglasses to contrast the teal in my leggings and a purple star necklace to match. This look was a lot of fun to wear and it is pretty simple to put together. The main idea when styling a pair of leggings like these, is to keep everything else simple. Let the leggings speak for themselves and keep them as the main focus of your outfit. I hope you found this look and my tips helpful and inspiring!
Sunglasses- Ray-Ban
Dress- Mossimo Supply Co.
Leggings- Forever 21
Flats- Material Girl
-Caroline 🙂