Even though November is almost over, (which is crazy!) I wanted to share some of my favorite records I listen to in the fall. I’m not sure about everyone else but I definitely have certain records that I associate with a season. Some albums just have a vibe of a specific season to me, and others I discovered in the fall, or any other season, so the music always makes me think of that time of year.
Today I am sharing four of my fall records. Two of these records I own on CD and vinyl and the other two I only have them as CDs.
The first one I would like to share is Mayday Parade’s A Lesson in Romantics. Even though this album was released in July 2007, I actually did not discover it until the Fall of 2008. I remember I was going to see All Time Low in Philly and Mayday Parade was opening for them. I wanted to listen to Mayday Parade before I saw them live so I purchased their latest album.
I probably associate this album with fall because that’s when I discovered it and listened to it nonstop. I vividly remember driving around that fall blasting this album, while enjoying the sun shining on all the different colors of leaves on the trees. There are certain songs on this CD, such as Jamie All Over that have a summer vibe to them as well.
If you have never listened to Mayday Parade or this album, definitely check it out. This is an album that you can listen to over and over again straight through without skipping any of the songs.
The next album that sounds like fall to me is Paramore’s Brand New Eyes. This album was released in September 2009, which is why it reminds me of fall. I purchased this album right when it came out and constantly had it playing in my car. This is another record you can listen to straight through. The last song, All I Wanted still gives me chills every time I hear it. Hayley’s vocals on that track are amazing!
The third and favorite album of mine that I listen to in the fall is Brand New’s Deja Entendu. Brand New is my favorite band and I love all of their albums. I really can’t explain why I listen to this one a lot in the fall though. It was released in June 2003 but I didn’t discover it until I was in high school a few years later.
I’m not sure if it’s the colors on the album artwork or just the vibe of some of the songs that draw me to this album in the fall. Don’t get me wrong, I listen to this album all year but for some reason I find myself associating it with the changing of the season and colorful leaves. If there is one album from this list that you should listen to, it is this one!
The last fall album on my list is Dashboard Confessional’s “The Swiss Army Romance”. This album was released in the fall of November 2000, but I did not listen to it until much later. When I finally did discover this album, it was many years later in the fall. Some of these songs just make me think of a relaxing fall afternoon when you can just sit around, look out your window and appreciate the different colors of the leaves. This is yet another album that you can listen to straight through and enjoy every single song.
Whether you are looking for some new music to listen to or have now been inspired to listen to some of your favorite albums, I hope you had enjoyed my fall records list. Sometimes it is hard to describe how music sounds like a season but all four of these albums are fall to me. They also bring me back to when I first heard them and what I was doing at that point in my life. Now please take some time out of your day to enjoy your favorite music.
-Caroline 🙂
Fall Records

[…] you are curious on what some of these albums are, you can check out a few other posts, such as my Fall Records, October Records, and Spring Break Mix […]