Outerwear is very important during this time of the year. Not only do you want to like how your jackets and coats look, but you want them to keep you warm as well. Sometimes finding outerwear that covers both of these categories is hard to find. You might come across a jacket that is very warm but you do not like the look of it and vice versa. There is no fun in wearing something when you do not like how it looks. One of my go to designers for good looking and warm outerwear is Betsey Johnson.
I have received a few Betsey Johnson coats over the years as gifts. Not only are they very stylish and unique, but they also keep you very warm. This past Christmas I received this new coat from Betsey Johnson. This is the Basketweave Wool Coat With Faux Leather Sleeves.
The main aspect that attracted me to this coat is the different textures in it. The torso of the coat made up of this basketweave fabric. However, the sleeves of the coat are faux leather. This combination creates a unique look that is warm and fun to wear.
The coat has an oversize collar, pockets, and three snaps to keep it closed. I am also very happy that this coat is long. I like to wear long coats on very cold days to keep me warmer. I also like to wear long coats when I am wearing a long top, such as a dress, long cardigan, or poncho.
Since it is still going to be cold for awhile, you want to make sure you have the correct outerwear to keep you warm all winter. Macy’s has a big selection of coats to choose from as well. If you are looking for something warm and unique, definitely check out Betsey Johnson’s outerwear to keep you warm and stylish all winter long.
Sunglasses- Ray-Ban
Coat- Betsey Johnson
Boots- Doc Martens
-Caroline 🙂
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